29 Nov 2013

My Month on 35mm.

I shoot all the time, whether it's an interesting view out the window when I wake up or whether it's something beautiful on the ceiling of a building I'm inside of.
My life is documented, constantly.

I know I haven't been regularly updating recently due to my uni overload but it's coming up to Christmas now and I'll be having plenty of time to write and plenty of photos to show you.

This series I've focused a lot on the buildings. Beauty of the places you spend most of your time in. My university and my home.



30 Oct 2013

Shooting for fresh designers. GLAZED show.

I've been asked to shoot a collection called GLAZED for new, upcoming designers who are currently on their second year of university, studying -obviously- fashion design.
Their collection was based on glazed colours, grey, white, light blue. However, don't be thinking about cliché designs but look at these garments which are super contemporary, classy/casual and sporty at the same time. 

21 Oct 2013


You all have probably heard of Lookbook.nu, Stylefruits, Fashionista, etc. There are definitely many different apps and websites which 'throw' inspirations at you for your everyday outfits, hair, make-up.
This one is something I've not heard of before and seeing that it has over 10,000 users on its' application, I'm going to give it a go.
So, I've decided I won't be doing a normal review and introduction for all you stylish people but I will actually do a 'live' opinion session where I'm going to register on the website NOW and tell you how I feel about the website as I go!

Let's go.

I've chosen my country (UK) and it has taken me to an additional tab where it opened up the website. I think I would've liked it better if it stayed on the same tab, but it's just me. I'm so needy. 

Next, I click 'join' and register through Facebook. I love this so much. I hate filling out all the info so I really thank you to those websites who have this option!
Then, it asks me to like 5 looks to continue. Cool, easy done. I love them! The photos are good framing and quality too.
Then, I'm liking 5 pieces of clothing, accessories, etc. Wow, so there's not just designer stuff but also high street and new labels. The prices vary totally!

Next, you follow 5 people which are famous bloggers, celebs, etc. so you can gain some inspirations from them! 
I've checked out the products and there's a lot of sale stuff going on at amazing prices, which I was so shocked about!
I've not seen a website where it was all mixed up together before and I'm loving it!

I think you should all check it out and join and start creating your own outfits! 
Amazing to gain inspirations from so you can look amazing everyday!

27 Sept 2013


I've never have actually edited my film photos before. I don't know why...I've always liked the way they looked.
However, yesterday at uni I've had an amazing lesson about technical skills in photography. 
Well, it's called like this but it's something totally different. There's still lessons on ISO, etc. etc. but the main part of these lessons and the module is to recognize who you are.
What kind of photographer are you?
Who is your favorite photographer?
He/she will direct you in the right way to start experimenting your own style.

My photographer is Alasdair Mclellan. Beautiful work, amazing nature backgrounds and natural-looking models. Nature at its' best, basically. 

I've also found out I'm a 'nature-drawn' person/photographer.
Sometimes you don't know what makes you love the photo you do. It's things you don't exactly know about, these are mainly your instincts. 

Anyway, coming back to the point of this post; I've tried out touching- up my films to achieve the look I'm really directing my photography in.

Here are some photos before and after.
I've mainly used the curves, grey and blue photo filters and shadows and highlights.

15 Sept 2013


Latest shoot shot by me. Enjoy.
Outfit designer - Amy Leilani Melson 
Model - Bethany Wells