1 Mar 2013

New Project- Fashion Film

At the moment we have lots of 'new projects' . However, this one has been one of my favourites so far.
I absolutely love it! I'll be definitely making this on a regular basis.

We had to come up with a concept for the film and basically make it.
You had to consider :
- lighting
- models
- techniques
- editing
and loads more.

I was literally excited from the very beginning of it and I have finally finished it yesterday!

Maybe, I should explain the meaning of the video before you watch it... The main title is ' awkward emotions shown through body movement'. Yup. Have you heard of a title like that before? I know, it's kinda confusing!
Well, so I didn't really want to do anything that will be based on JUST emotions. Like, normal emotions? Happy, sad, angry, etc, etc.
I wanted them to be different emotions. Something that hits us sometimes and when it does- we don't really know what kind of an emotion it is.
I've decided to show it through body movement. However, not a usual dance thing.
This video contains many different styles, other than the usual ones; hip-hop, street dance, salsa, etc. Not this kinda stuff.
I've decided to ask some of my pole dancing friends to volunteer for the video and show those awkward emotions through their dance!
We have pole, hoop, silks and a trapeze!
As well as those amazing dance styles, we have a typical body expression. It kinda shows you how you would look if you weren't holding your emotions back.
Hard to explain but I hope it makes it a bit clearer when you watch the film!



I'm sorry, it has to be a link as this website won't let me upload it properly into the post.

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